The Story of Don Geronimo

Don Geronimo was born in 1945 in Germany. In the 1990s, wanderlust brought him to Costa Rica, where he continues to live and produce coffee today. He has always had a passion for roasting coffee. As a mechanical engineer, his inventor spirit moved him to find a way to make great coffees even better. After the roasting, the processing of the coffee beans needed to be optimized. 

After 15 years, he finally achieved the result he considered perfect.  He decided to label this entirely new process to produce coffee 'Sin Bibo Pur'. Now, the entire world should learn of his coffee and get the chance to enjoy the extraordinary flavor of this special Costa Rican coffee.

Welcome to the coffee-world of Don Geronimo!

We deliver to customers worldwide and strive to provide a good price for a quality product, and an excellent customer experience. Fast service is guaranteed and all orders leave our warehouse within 48 hours, tracking information included! If you have any question or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us!

  • Natur & Kunst

    Die Kunst auf unseren Verpackungen wurde von einer lokalen Künstlerin für unsere Produkte gemalt! Mit den farbenfrohen Vögeln wollen wir unsere Verbindung zur Natur in Costa Rica darstellen, die uns ermöglicht so tollen Kaffee anzubauen!

  • Jede Tasse zählt

    Unsere Kaffeenbohnen werden regelmäßig getestet um zu garantieren, dass jede Bohne ein tolles Resultat erzeugt. Wir machen Kaffee aus Liebe zum Kaffee und jede Tasse soll genau diese Liebe repräsentieren.